Curriculum Vitae

Carlos Morante Melendez



M.S. in Physics,  May 2019, San Jose State University, San Jose, California 

B.S. in Physics, May 2016, San Jose State University, San Jose, California 


Adjunct Faculty, Evergreen Valley College,

August 2023- Present

Duties: Teaching lecture and lab sections of Physics courses

Instructional Support Technician III, San Jose State University,

September 2021- Present

Duties: Management of laboratories in the Physics and Astronomy department, organization and procurement of supplies equipment,  and materials for laboratories and demonstrations. Also, serving as lead technician, coordinating schedules and overseeing technical support services. 

Lecturer and Lab Coordinator, San Jose State University, 

August 2019- July 2023

Duties as Lecturer: Responsible for instructing lecture and lab sections for introductory physics courses including teaching theory behind experiments, instructing in the performance of the experiments, leading guided discussions, and holding problem-solving sessions with quizzes intended to assess the student’s learning as well as meeting with students during office hours to help them succeed in the course. 

Duties as Lab coordinator: Responsible for creating the schedule and syllabus for all laboratory sections of Physics 2B as well as compiling the lab manual by combining the existing experiments with new experiments that enhance student learning and understanding of the physical principles while keeping constant communication with all the instructors to ensure successful implementation of the laboratory material in all sections. 

Teaching Assistant, San Jose State University, 

August 2016 - July 2019 

Duties: Responsible for instructing lab sections for introductory physics courses including teaching theory behind experiments, instructing in the performance of the experiments, and holding problem-solving sessions with quizzes intended to assess the student’s learning. 

Technology Trainer and Assistant, People Acting in Community Together (PACT), 

September 2013- February 2019 

Duties: Train people in the use of online tools to communicate and work most effectively. Building and maintaining a website for the organization. 

Private Tutor, Languages and Math Learning Center (LMLC), 

September 2015- September 2016

Duties: Create materials for teaching and tutoring students K-12 on the subjects of physics, math, and Spanish. 

Computational Physics Lab Instructional Student Assistant (ISA), San Jose State University

August 2015- December 2015

Duties: Provided guidance to students in their computational physics projects. 

Research Experience

Masters Project and Seminar: Magnetism and Conduction Mechanism of Fe3O4: a Maximum Entropy Muon-Spin-Rotation Study, January 2018- May 2019

Research Project: Muon Spin Resonance in Magnetite Experiment Analysis, San Jose State University, August 2014- May 2019 

Research Project: Dimensional dependence of the critical temperature in the quantum Heisenberg model, San Jose State University,  June 2015- May 2016

Research Project: Data Analysis to search for Ultra Compact Dwarf Galaxies, San Jose State University, January 2015- May 2015

Publications and Presentations

C.Boekema and C.Morante. “Precursor effects and field-induced short-range order above the Verwey transition in single Fe3O4 crystals”, AIP Advances 10, 025005 (2020);

Morante, C. Ghorbani, E. Boekema, C. “Applied Field Dependences of Local Magnetic Fields in Single Fe3O4 Crystals”, Jun 28, 2019.  Hawaii University International Conference Proceedings 

Morante, C. Boekema, C. “Maximum-Entropy Burg Algorithm applied to Fe3O4 (LAMPF) and MgO (ISIS) μSR data”, Oct 27, 2020. Online Poster presentation at the ISIS Student Meeting 2020. 

Morante, C. Boekema, C. “ Precursor effects to the Verwey transition of Fe3O4: a MaxEnt-μSR study”, March 4, 2020. Online Presentation at the APS March Meeting 2020. 

Boekema, C. Morante, C. Tavakolzadeh, M.  Freund, F. “O-1earthquake-like precursors: a MaxEnt-μSR MgO study”,  March 4, 2020. Online Presentation at the APS March Meeting 2020. 

Morante, C. Ghorbani, E. Boekema, C. “External field dependence of local magnetic fields in single crystals of Fe3O4: a Maximum-Entropy μSR study”, Jul 31, 2018.  Poster Presentation at the  XXX IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics, Davis CA

Morante, C. Boekema, C.“Search for a second frequency signal in magnetite (Fe3O4) in the TV –TW range: a Maximum-Entropy μSR study”, Mar 6, 2018.  Conference Talk at the APS March meeting 2018, Los Angeles, CA

Boekema, C. Colebaugh, A. Lee, A-L. Lin, I. Cabot, A. Morante, C.  “Quest for secondary μSR signals for Fe3O4 using MaxEnt: a Verwey phase transition study”, March 16, 2017. Poster Presentation at the APS March meeting 2017, New Orleans LA

Morante, C. Khatami, E. “Effect of Dimensionality on the Properties of Quantum Magnets on a Lattice”, May 6, 2016. Poster Presentation at the  Twelfth Annual SJSU College of Science Student Research Day, San Jose CA 

Boekema, C. Morante, C. Stone, M. Freund, FT. “Pseudogap and positive hole effects observed for RBCO, Fe3O4 & MgO”, August 24, 2015. Poster Presentation at The 11th International Conference on Materials & Mechanisms of Superconductivity (M2S) CICG, Geneva, Switzerland 

 Deich, A. Morante, C. Sandoval, M. Santhanakrishnan, V. Romanowsky, A. “Data Mining for the Densest and the Fluffiest Galaxies”, May 1, 2015. Poster Presentation at The Eleventh Annual SJSU College of Science Student Research Day, San Jose CA 

Other Projects & Accomplishments

Development of Instructional curricula for Physics laboratory classes, San Jose State University, July 2019- May 2022

Graduate Excellence in Teaching Award, San Jose State University, May 2019

Volunteer Experience

Volunteer Researcher, San Jose State University, 

June 2019 -Present 

Peer Leader, Metas Center San Jose City College, 

September 2019- May 2020

Community Leader, People Acting in Community Together (PACT), 

June 2009- August 2013