Introduction to EM & Optics

Intro to E/M and Optics

As lab coordinator at San Jose State university, I was in charge of updating and improving laboratory activities for the algebra based 2nd semester intro to physics course: Physics 2B. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020, a fully online curriculum had to be developed. The following are the laboratory manual to the fully online program along with slides giving the theoretical background to these activities.

Math Methods of Physics 2B

Static Charge and Electric Force

Electric Potential and Electric Field

Capacitance, Resistance, and Current

RC circuits and Voltage Dividers in DC

Magnetic Fields

Earth's Magnetic Field & Charged particles in a Magnetic Field

Electromagnetic Induction

Impedance and AC Circuits

Reflection Refraction and Lenses

Interference and Diffraction

The Atomic Spectra & The photoelectric Effect